
I forgive myself, for the wrongs that i did
I forgive myself for the rights that i should have done
I forgive myself for not trying
I forgive myself for trying too hard
I forgive myself for caring too much
I forgive myself for not caring enough
I forgive myself for not being sad enough
I forgive myself for the moments I was happy without caring about anything else
I forgive myself for not being my best version
I forgive myself for straying away from my own expectations of myself
I forgive myself for expecting a lot from myself
I forgive myself for expecting the world to be better than it is, better than it ever will be
I forgive myself for not knowing what I should have known
I forgive myself for not cherishing people when I had the time
I forgive myself for not choosing myself over others
I forgive myself for allowing others to knowingly or unknowingly berate me, put me down, make me feel unwanted, small
I forgive myself for feeling unwanted, small, nonexistent
I forgive myself for wanting to disappear into the void
I forgive myself for being nice to others
I forgive myself for doing things that I do not want to, just to keep others happy
I forgive myself for allowing people to use me for their benefit at my cost
I forgive myself for giving people the opportunity to discard of me when they saw no more value in me
I forgive myself for not making practical decisions
I forgive myself for not planning for the future
I forgive myself for living in the moment
I forgive myself for doing what is right, doing what I feel like
I forgive myself for choosing myself before others
I forgive myself for saying "no" to the things I do not want to do
I forgive myself for being excited for tomorrow
I forgive myself for being satisfied with today
I forgive myself for not being available to others to be used at their discretion
I forgive myself for giving me the time I so desperately need
I forgive myself for myself has been with me through everything
I forgive myself for myself will be the only one with me when nobody else is
I forgive myself for being me