Day Log 2022 06 05
Playful Zoey
Today's events
- Woke up early. Still on Singapore time, will try to continue ✅
- Chilled out most of today. Stayed in bed for the morning. ✅
- First dental appoinyment ✅🤕 (Work has atleast started)
- Hung out with cousins for the evening ✅
Things that I had planned for today and updates
- Sleep on time ✅
- Wake up early ✅
- Eat healthy ⚠️ (eating more, but do not have a schedule)
- See the sunset ❌ Had pain after dental appointment, stayed in
- Dental work ✅
- Hobby tech stuff ✅ (need to do more, but satisfied with today)
- Meet people I want to meet ✅ (Satisfied with the people I met today)
- Eye doctor plan appointment ❌
- Clothes shopping for India stay ❌
- Clothes shopping for bringing to Singapore ❌ (Long term Goal)