Day Log 2022 05 31

Mood (sad, bad, ok, good, happy)

  • Start: good (decent sleep)
  • Mid: good (work was nice)
  • End: ok (being triggered when I should not have been, people should affect me less)
  • Avg: good

Things that I had planned for today and updates

  • Go to office ❌
  • Eat healthy meal in timely fashion ❌ (I did eat better than yesterday, but not up to the mark yet)
  • See the sunset ❌
  • Shopping for India visit ❌
  • Plan and execute tech for India visit ❌

Things planned for tomorrow

Will carry forward the things from today itself
Need to at least push for minor things to happen ☢️

Other things

Future advise
  • I believe I have created a dependency which needs to be eliminated 🚧
    Have reduced checking and responding to WhatsApp during work hours
    Plan to have time slots for social interactions
  • I need to have a filter when speaking to people as everyone is not as generous and accommodating as my present friends 🚧
    I am doing this at the cost of feeling distant
  • Food needs more planning ⚠️
  • Need to write more 🚧
  • Need to talk to more people 🚧
    Had good conversations today
  • Will need to decide some day if I should be OK with people calling me names during the course of a normal conversation. It used to be fine when I considered it as a joke/sarcasm, but it not really funny when it seems like people really believe what they are saying. Is it enough toxicity? How long before I need to get away from it? Should I be telling people to not do that? Maybe they think that I do not care? Maybe they are testing the limits on how much they can get away with?🤔